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A wrapper around stopifnot that allows you to use . to refer to .Last.value and preserve the last non-test output from an example.


  srcref = NULL,
  example_srcref = NULL,
  value = get_example_value(),
  envir = parent.frame(),
  style = "standalone"



Expressions to evaluated. . will be replaced with the expression passed to val, and may be used as a shorthand for the last example result.


An option srcref_key string used to indicate where the relevant test code originated from.


An option srcref_key string used to indicate where the relevant example code originated from.


A value to test against. By default, this will use the example's .Last.value.


An environment in which tests should be evaluated. By default the parent environment where tests are evaluated.


A syntactic style used by the test. Defaults to "standalone", which expects TRUE and uses a .-notation. Accepts one of "standalone" or "testthat". By default, styles will be implicitly converted to accommodate known testing frameworks, though this can be disabled by passing the style "AsIs" with I().


Invisibly returns the .Last.value as it existed prior to evaluating the test.

Documenting with testex

testex is a simple wrapper around execution that propagates the .Last.value returned before running, allowing you to chain tests more easily.

Use in Rd files:

  f <- function(a, b) a + b
  f(3, 4)
      identical(., 7)

But Rd files are generally regarded as being a bit cumbersome to author directly. Instead, testex provide helpers that generate this style of documentation, which use this function internally.

Use with roxygen2

Within a roxygen2 @examples block you can instead use the @test tag which will generate Rd code as shown above.

#' @examples
#' f <- function(a, b) a + b
#' f(3, 4)
#' @test is.numeric(.)
#' @test identical(., 7)